Sunday, January 2, 2022

Summary of the course

1. Most interesting topic

For me it's concept of marriage because there are so many points I can benefit from and make myself more understanding of what marriage really does.

2. Less interesting topic

I think there is no less interesting topic, except that I fail myself to find some content from Parenting Skill II.

3. Most impactful or relatable topic

It would be Family Financial Budget. Just learning this makes me realize how struggling my parents are to provide us as a family. I think it's a hard thing but they managed to do it.

4. Comment for improvement

So far madam's class went really smooth and clear. Every assignment is benefiting too especially the financial budgeting. If I can add, I would also love to do a movie review based on a real-life marriage, as an assignment or discussion in the class.

5. My plan for future life

I plan to work harder for my future and fill myself with many more parenting skill knowledge and also marriage advice as a preparation because I'm zero at it (thinking I'm not yet eligible to marry). InshaAllah maybe at 24 I will (make myself ready to) get married with a secured job and stable financial. Amin.

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