Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Week 1 : Taaruf


My name is Sofiah Najihah, a Quran Sunnah majoring student, enrolling in parenting subject on my third year first semester. 

Tonight's class is done. As madam explained a little about the course, I am honestly relieved blogging or journaling is one of the assessment she suggests to do because I like it. No video recording or presentation as it just adds up to my anxiety. Hmm presentation is not my cup of tea, but I have to get though it sometimes.

Our madam is very kind and sporting alhamdulillah. It is such a blessing in this kind of time (read: online learning) where everything requires extra works, tolerance means a big help for us the students.

I'm very anticipating our next class and what we're going to learn in this subject later because everyone agrees it is one of the best subjects offered in IIUM.

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