Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Week 5 : Parenting Skill II

Tonight madam continued the whole class with the story of Prophet Yusuf and his brothers. My mind wanders through the lesson and I can't really catch up with the class. I wish we have a slides talking where we are at, so I get some image about it and revise after the class. Hehe but it's my fault that I could not manage myself to focus and ask during the lesson.

But what I can learn from the story is that it is important to give each of our children a fair treatment and make them feel equal, as Prophet Yusuf's brothers felt that their father loved Prophet Yusuf more than they did. Not saying that Prophet Yaaqub failed to do so, sometimes parents have done their best and it's up to the children to think and act accordingly.

Also, it's important that we put our trust in Allah, and choose him first over all matters. Just like Prophet Yusuf did.

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