Sunday, January 2, 2022

Summary of the course

1. Most interesting topic

For me it's concept of marriage because there are so many points I can benefit from and make myself more understanding of what marriage really does.

2. Less interesting topic

I think there is no less interesting topic, except that I fail myself to find some content from Parenting Skill II.

3. Most impactful or relatable topic

It would be Family Financial Budget. Just learning this makes me realize how struggling my parents are to provide us as a family. I think it's a hard thing but they managed to do it.

4. Comment for improvement

So far madam's class went really smooth and clear. Every assignment is benefiting too especially the financial budgeting. If I can add, I would also love to do a movie review based on a real-life marriage, as an assignment or discussion in the class. Or something about inviting a marriage councelor to do a little bit sharing. Probably too ambitious?

5. My plan for future life

I plan to work harder for my future and fill myself with many more parenting knowledge and also marriage advice as a preparation because I'm zero at it. I once treat a girl some candy because she's been pointing at it a lot of time and later being told that her parents strictly prohibit them from eating that. I thought it was a kind gesture but apparently it's not. Anyway, the reassuring part is that at least the girl remember me as a cool aunt and got her cheat day. InshaAllah maybe at 24 I will (make myself ready to) get married. Hihi, Ameen.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Week 10 : Healthy Lifestyle

Tonight in our last class we talked about healthy lifestyle.

Listening to the lecture I realize how near we are to living in an artificial life. Maybe artificial is too dense, but ya, many food is not original and derivative. Healthy food is hard to find nowadays.

Even though I can't fully relate the relationship between the topic and parenting skill, I consider this as a general knowledge which is crucial to know and observe because most of the time I also forget about how important it is to take care of our diet, and how unhealthy eating habits can effect us in the long term.

The best way is to cook by ourselves. And first learn how to cook.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Week 8 : Communication Skill

Tonight we have a discussion on the importance of communication in relationships. Well-created communication will make people understand each other and get to know each other better. I think in normal friendship or relationship, communication is not hard, at least not really a matter to worry.

If we have a problem with our friend, we can fight and they are still our friend. But in a marriage, bad communication, especially a secretive attitude can lead to suspicion in the relationship and cause separation or divorce. 

All I can see and conclude is that man and woman are built different including their way of thinking. Generally, man can be considered more relaxed while woman is a little complex and careful. That's why they complement each other, and it's important to share the feelings, opinions or problems together so understanding can be achieved.

I'm not married yet but I agree that communication is a key. It reminds me of drama The World of The Married which include the reality of this issue between married couples.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Week 7 : Family Finance Management

From the class I learnt that family budgeting is a really important to think and plan from now. There are so many obligations and commitments, sooo many things to pay. It makes me worried if I really can afford marrying hehe. Like it seriously makes me down, which I don't really feel it before because my parents are there to support us with everything.

However in another way it gives me an enlightment and self-conscious about what I should do for my future. That I should get back to my purpose and work hard for my dream.

People say, money can't buy us happiness but it helps us to buy the source of happiness in life.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Week 6 : Child Development

From this class I can conclude that child development or their growth mainly depends on their environment and also what the parents decide for them.

I think it's important to give children the childhood they deserve while exposing them to a lot of things. If I have a child one day I would like for them to grow up in a village-kind environment, let them mingle with elderly people, spend more time talking to them and going on various trips together so they can develop their emotion steadily knowing they are loved.

Nowadays people seem so rushing to give their children lessons as early as possible, while forget to let them learn and explore things naturally. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Week 5 : Parenting Skill II

Tonight madam continued the whole class with the story of Prophet Yusuf and his brothers. My mind wanders through the lesson and I can't really catch up with the class. I wish we have a slides talking where we are at, so I get some image about it and revise after the class. Hehe but it's my fault that I could not manage myself to focus and ask during the lesson.

But what I can learn from the story is that it is important to give each of our children a fair treatment and make them feel equal, as Prophet Yusuf's brothers felt that their father loved Prophet Yusuf more than they did. Not saying that Prophet Yaaqub failed to do so, sometimes parents have done their best and it's up to the children to think and act accordingly.

Also, it's important that we put our trust in Allah, and choose him first over all matters. Just like Prophet Yusuf did.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Week 4 : Parenting Skill

One of the lessons I got from Madam's sharing or parenting style, is making analogy of prophetic story to the child so it grew and became ingrained in his soul.

Introduce the names of important figures in Islam when they are toddlers. Start telling stories when they go to school. Parenting is something very difficult that requires knowledge and patience. Plus, it's not enough with just verbal advice. We have to show a good example ourselves because the children observe and absorb what their parents are doing. So it's important to watch and take care of ourselves first.

From now on we have to control our hearts, our temper, our words and whatever that we do. That will be the best and efficient learning process for a growing child.

Parenting skill: subconscious mind.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Week 3 : Concept of Marriage

Tonight madam shared a lot of things and here are some points that I don't want to miss from her class. Madam mentioned that:

The husband-wife relationship was the first relationship that God created, and it started in the most noble place. So why is there still damage in a relationship? We ruin a beautiful relationship because we don't understand the concept of marriage, like marry because of pressure, don't want to be andartu, and etc.

Quraish Shihab: Married couple is like a pair of shoes. Like duduk sama rendah, berdiri sama tinggi. Wife is not the husband's property, not anything but a spouse. So our thoughts, feelings and opinions should be the same. Sekufu means more than same in status.

Life is not funfair. Life is a struggle that's why Allah rewards. And struggle is sunnatullah (the laws of nature). Madam said, before I want to demand all sorts of things, a handsome, smart husband—I have to polish myself first. I agree madam. Sometimes we (I mean myself) are unrealistic because we watch a lot of dramas on tv.

Don't be afraid to get married because of challenges, later we will be the people who give up. Married or not, everyone will face challenges, just in different ways. Allah has given a benchmark of 5 ulul azmi to ponder, He does not let us struggle alone. There are many examples for us to relieve ourselves.

In marriage, we also have to believe in takdir and rizq even if things seem impossible. If it meant for us, nothing can stop ourselves from getting it. I think these are all important reminder and words that I've always want to comfort myself with.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Week 2 : Concept of Family

Tonight madam made me emotional. She shared about Saidatina Hajar and how she adores the great woman figure. But I love to hear the sharing. It's good to get a slap in the face sometimes because it makes me realize how I am lacking as a person and how much I need to improve myself to become a better person, better Muslim.

Frankly, I got teary eyes and runny nose listening to madam's honest sharing. I'm sensitive.

There are so many things I learnt from it that I suddenly want to live by this story. I wish I can register mentor-mentee program with madam so I can listen to her advice often.
Thank you madam for the reminder.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Week 1 : Taaruf


My name is Sofiah Najihah, a Quran Sunnah majoring student, enrolling in parenting subject on my third year first semester. 

Tonight's class is done. As madam explained a little about the course, I am honestly relieved blogging or journaling is one of the assessment she suggests to do because I like it. 

Our madam is very kind and sporting alhamdulillah. It is such a blessing in this kind of time (read: online learning) where everything requires extra works, tolerance means a big help for us the students.

I'm very anticipating our next class and what we're going to learn in this subject later because everyone agrees it is one of the best subjects offered in IIUM.