Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Week 2 : Concept of Family

Tonight madam made me emotional. She shared about Saidatina Hajar and how she adores the great woman figure. But I love to hear the sharing. It's good to get a slap in the face sometimes because it makes me realize how I am lacking as a person and how much I need to improve myself to become a better person, better Muslim.

Frankly, I got teary eyes and runny nose listening to madam's honest sharing. I'm sensitive.

There are so many things I learnt from it that I suddenly want to live by this story. I wish I can register mentor-mentee program with madam so I can listen to her advice often.
Thank you madam for the reminder.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Week 1 : Taaruf


My name is Sofiah Najihah, a Quran Sunnah majoring student, enrolling in parenting subject on my third year first semester. 

Tonight's class is done. As madam explained a little about the course, I am honestly relieved blogging or journaling is one of the assessment she suggests to do because I like it. 

Our madam is very kind and sporting alhamdulillah. It is such a blessing in this kind of time (read: online learning) where everything requires extra works, tolerance means a big help for us the students.

I'm very anticipating our next class and what we're going to learn in this subject later because everyone agrees it is one of the best subjects offered in IIUM.